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Overview of our guides and checklists

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Facts and terms - Real estate knowledge compact

Our guide explains all relevant technical terms in understandable language. For anyone interested in learning a little more about the real estate world, this guide is highly recommended.

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Preparation of the property

5 Tips that lead to a higher selling price. Benefit from our condensed knowledge about the preparation of a property. This is how you get more out of the sale.

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Real estate in the divorce? Avoid these mistakes!

Save your nerves and time. Arm yourself with up-to-date expert knowledge to avoid the most common mistakes in the divorce wars.

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Inherited property - act carefully

Carefully compiled expert knowledge on inherited real estate. What laws and deadlines must be observed? Which options of using an apartment or a house is the most advantageous for you?

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Financing real estate: How to make the loan work.

Financing is the first step before buying a property. Because this is where the really important questions are decided: What can I afford? Is the bank playing along? What conditions can I expect? Does it make a difference if I use property myself or rent it out? And even if you have already bought, the topic remains a perennial one. After all, debt restructuring, switching banks and follow-up financing can raise plenty of questions.

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The right real estate price - sell successfully

Setting the right price is extremely important when selling real estate. If the offer price is set too high, you scare away interested parties; if it is set too low, you lose money.

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Energy refurbishment - that's what it's really all about

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The real estate world explained

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Life annuity - How the annuity of a property works

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Life annuity - How annuitization of a property works

Astrid Schäfer

Real estate expert from Constance

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